Common Types of Tree Surveys: Exploring Your Options

Treework Environmental Practice
5 min readOct 9, 2023


When it comes to understanding and managing the trees on your property, conducting tree surveys is a crucial step. Tree surveys provide valuable information about your trees’ health, condition, and overall well-being. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the common types of tree surveys available to property owners and the significance of each.

What is a Tree Survey?

Before we explore the different types of tree surveys, it’s essential to grasp the fundamental concept of a tree survey and why it matters. A tree survey is not just a simple tree count; it is a systematic and detailed assessment of the trees on your property. It involves collecting data about each tree’s species, size, age, health, and precise location. The primary goals of a tree survey are to ensure the trees’ safety, promote their well-being, and make informed decisions about tree care and maintenance.

Types of Tree Surveys

There are several types of tree surveys, each serving specific purposes. Let’s delve deeper into each type to understand their unique roles and benefits:

1. Arborist Tree Surveys

Arborist tree surveys are a cornerstone of responsible tree management. These surveys are conducted by certified arborists who specialise in tree care. They focus on assessing the overall health of your trees, identifying any diseases or pests that might be affecting them, and recommending appropriate treatments. Arborist tree surveys are essential for maintaining your trees’ long-term health and safety. They offer expert insights that property owners may not possess, ensuring the best care for your valuable green assets.

2. Development Tree Surveys

If you’re planning a construction project on your property, a development tree survey becomes paramount. This survey goes beyond evaluating individual tree health and looks at the bigger picture — the impact of the construction on existing trees. It helps determine which trees can be preserved, considering their value to the property’s aesthetics and environmental benefits, and which may need removal. Preservation of mature trees can not only add aesthetic value to your property and contribute to environmental conservation by maintaining a green canopy.

3. Ecological Tree Surveys

Ecological tree surveys extend their focus beyond individual trees and assess the broader ecological impact of your tree population. These surveys consider factors like the habitat provided by the trees, their role in supporting wildlife, and their contribution to the local ecosystem. Understanding the ecological value of your trees can inform conservation efforts and strategies for enhancing biodiversity. It’s not just about trees but the web of life they support.

4. Risk Assessment Tree Surveys

Safety should be a top priority regarding trees on your property, especially near buildings, roads, or areas frequently used by people. Risk assessment tree surveys are designed to evaluate the potential risks associated with trees, such as the likelihood of branches falling or the tree collapsing. This information helps property owners take appropriate measures to mitigate risks and ensure the safety of people and structures nearby. Prevention is far more cost-effective than dealing with accidents or damage caused by neglected tree hazards.

5. Inventory Tree Surveys

An inventory tree survey serves as the backbone of effective property management. It provides a comprehensive list of all the trees on your property, including details like species, size, and location. This type of survey is invaluable for tracking changes in the tree population over time, planning for their care and maintenance, and assessing your trees’ overall health and diversity. It’s the first step in understanding the trees’ current status and charting their future.

6. Historical Tree Surveys

Historical tree surveys take on a special role for properties with historical significance. These surveys aim to identify and document trees of historical value. These trees may have witnessed significant events, hold cultural importance, or have stood the test of time. Preserving them can help maintain the property’s historical integrity and offer a connection to the past that enhances its unique character.

Why You Need a Tree Survey

Now that you’re well-acquainted with the different types of tree surveys, you might be wondering why you should consider getting one for your property. Here are some compelling reasons that highlight the importance of tree surveys:

1. Tree Health and Maintenance

Regular tree surveys, especially arborist surveys, play a critical role in ensuring the vitality of your trees. These surveys enable early intervention by identifying early signs of disease or pest infestations. Treating issues promptly can save ailing trees and prevent the spread of problems to other trees. Ultimately, this proactive approach promotes your green assets’ long-term health and beauty.

2. Safety Assurance

Safety should always be a top concern for property owners. Risk assessment tree surveys provide peace of mind by identifying potential hazards related to your trees. Armed with this knowledge, you can take proper measures to minimise risks, reducing the likelihood of accidents. The safety of your family, visitors, and property infrastructure is paramount.

3. Environmental Conservation

Trees are not just a part of your property but also an essential component of the broader environment. Understanding the ecological value of your trees allows you to contribute to environmental conservation efforts. Preserving and nurturing trees can help maintain biodiversity, improve air quality, and positively impact local ecosystems. It’s a way to give back to nature and create a healthier world for future generations.

4. Property Value

Well-maintained trees have a significant impact on the aesthetic appeal of your property. They enhance its visual appeal and create a welcoming and tranquil atmosphere. Moreover, mature trees can substantially increase your property’s value. When potential buyers or renters see a property with established trees, they often perceive it as more desirable and valuable than one without them. Your trees are an investment that can pay dividends regarding property appreciation.

In conclusion, tree surveys are not just a formality but a crucial tool for property owners who care about their trees and the overall well-being of their land. They provide essential information for tree care, safety, environmental conservation, and property value enhancement. Depending on your specific needs and goals, you can choose from various types of tree surveys. If unsure which survey is right, consulting a certified arborist is a wise first step. Remember that investing in tree surveys is an investment in the long-term health and well-being of your trees and your property. Embrace the benefits of knowledge, safety, and environmental stewardship that tree surveys offer.

© Treework Environmental Practice



Treework Environmental Practice

Treeworks, industry-leading arboricultural consultants and member of the National Tree Safety Group, provides services to clients throughout the UK.